Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tale of Two Cities

Mr. Tan,
 Sunday was the first annual Nelson Mandela International Day and was celebrated across the world. Mandela is symbolic with "human rights". For the occasion, ordinary people in South Africa and abroad committed themselves to devoting 67 minutes of their time to community service, to mark the number of years Mr Mandela spent in politics, an initiative backed by global figures like former US president Jimmy Carter and Martti Ahtisaari of Finland.

Mr Alan Shadrake's arrest in Singapore on the same day was most unfortunate. 
The Minister in-charge of MICA, who was just caught in a flash flood the day before, was busy instead speaking privately with the Environment Ministry and PUB about conducting on-the-ground dialogues to explain the floods.

Read more about LEVIATHAN and how a civil society can correct the damages of excessive government under the following link:

C H Yak

1 comment:

  1. "Where there is no (shared) vision, people perish". All nations need the right kind of leaders/leadership in order to survive and make meaningful progress. Having a team of 'self-serving yes-men' is the worst if not 'worstest'.
