Saturday, July 03, 2010

Wisdom on how to live life (book 2) - Review

By A. J. Bray "Adrian Bray" (lowestoft, suffolk)

This book is a follow on from the author's first book 'Wisdom on How to live life: Transforming Earth into Heaven. I gave that a 5 star rating and I have done also for this Bk2 with the same title.

Over several years I have bought and read 10's of self help and psychology books in the hope that I could get to understand about how life and human interactions work; I was also interested in reading about our afterlife when we die. To be fair, several have been excellant, for example Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now, even though it took much concentration to fully understand his message. However, I consider Author Wong's books to be much easier to comprehend and I am a changed person for having read them, such is the impact they have had on me.

I have come to the conclusion that most humans start from the wrong place because 'the world' values happiness through materialism which, in turn, demands economic growth. The first is short term, whilst the latter is not sustainable through finite resources. As this author points out we are spiritual beings and part of the divine; we manifest through the divine and shall return to the divine when we complete each incarnation. He explains reincarnation in a way that makes so much sense. All the points are made in a great conversational style between Guru Harry and Tom. Several overlap from BK1, but that only serves to reinforce the message that we are eternal beings who are interconnected with each other which means the end of competition to be replaced with co-operation, making for a fairer, more satisfying life during our time here on earth.

I consider that everthing written in these books has brought me to the end of my search for the meaning of life and death in a way that no other book(s) has and if I put its teachings into practice it will inevitably lead me to a more peaceful existence. It is my hope that after reading these two books they will do likewise for you too!

Available here.


  1. "...we are spiritual beings and part of the divine."


  2. We(humans) are beings that need spiritual enlightenment more than other beings. Humans are the only beings capable of deviating from natural endowments.

    The brains of humans are too complex even for the Species to understand one another. At its' worst, the crooked one will want to annihilate the rest.


  3. Is there proof that "the crooked one" exists?

    I agree that the brain is very complex so that we know relatively little about it and how it works.

    But this is no reason to then imagine the existence of all kinds of entities.

    Occam's Razor is useful here -- there is no need to introduce unnecessary entities into a worldview. Unless there is clear evidence to the contrary.

  4. To: Yeokh;

    the crooked ones as in Hitler(Germany) who wanted to exterminate the lesser(human) beings. Me did not conjure any supernaturals such as satan, kali(Indian goddess) etc.

    Crooked stands for morally deplorable acts.

    As an atheist, supernaturals do not exist in my mind.

    Fr: Yours Truly: patriot
