Saturday, July 10, 2010

Youth Olympic Games

Here are two views:

My views
It is important for Singapore that the YOG be a success. It is better for the success to be spontaneous and spark the enthusiasm of the youths, but if this is not the case, we should still make it a success through other means, including buying the tickets for the schools.

Anyway, the activities of the YOG will flow back into the economy and benefit the local businesses in many ways, as a large portion of the money spent (I believe) is kept within the domestic economy.


  1. Dear Mr Tan
    On the one hand, I heartily agree with you. It is indeed important that Singapore makes YOG into a success. It's good for all citizens.

    But on the other hand, surely transparency, accountability, accuracy in the costing of YOG is also important. It is public money that is being spent.

  2. Can't really be enthusistic about the YOG. Perhaps the efforts made by our Govt to entice or persuade world athletics to come here to participate, more or less downgrade the significance or its importance. We do not hear of such
    tedious efforts to attract these participants to compete in the
    Olympics, they would jump at the chance.
    Internet reports that Singapore has to foot the bill for a central American country to build a Statium
    there, in exchange for publicizing
    the YOG explains why the cost of hosting this event jump by three times.
    The public are kept in the dark about this report, and this is part of my tax receipts being used to build other country's stadium, I feel sore.

  3. Important so what. Most benefits will not filter down to ordinary citizens while ordinary citizens are the ones who has to put up with all kinds of inconvenience. Privatising profits, socialising costs. I simply cannot be bothered.

  4. Honestly I don't find any benefits by the citizen with this games in Singapore.

    (1)There isn't any permenent infrastructs build for this game and later translate into citizen usuage.

    (2)No subsidy for travelling on public transports during this short period of time.
    Plus subsidy from big organization like Flights,Movies,NTUC Fairprice,
    Hospitals,handphone bills etc.


    There isn't anythings left after the game for citizen to remember it.

    John Yap

  5. In the past, our leaders announced goals with clarity and the people understood those goals: Housing, jobs, hygienic living and so on.
    The people were in tune, there was a shared vision and it was achievable.

    Now, it is very different. Leaders still announced goals with clarity but the people do not share the vision. Why?

    Common people like myself cannot and are not convinced of any benefits from these ventures:

    Intergrated Resorts
    Youth Olympics Games
    F1 Formula
    World Seurity Summit

    What and how do I gain from all these mega events?

    I am not a business owner. I do not sell trinkets to tourists
    I do not offer limosine service
    I do not offer hotel rooms
    I do not sell food or beveage
    I do not sell sports equioment

    I am a teacher. How does all this help me? Nothing, but it does disrupt my life and my routine:

    Roads are closed
    Buses diverted
    My class rescheduled
    My income drops ( becos less students)

    No, I do not share the joy and elation of these 'economic' initiatives.. I got nothing except disruptions and loss of income.

    The view that there is a 'trickle' down effect is presented to appease people like me.. it cuts no bone. I am still waiting with mouth agape for a drip. Just a drop... I think I may have caught it, but its absolutely tasteless.

    The YOG will be a roaring success.

    I wont be waiting for the next drop

  6. I feel that the YOG is unnecessary, meaningless and wasteful. Most of the Olympics players are young people anyway. I am sure Olympics can consider lowering the age limit if that is necessary. The world is already so overly competitive; people are stressed out and our earth is being turned from green to brown. We are making things worse by the day because we try to win in everything -- sports and business alike! My version of gracious society is not one that is highly charged and consuming our limited resource at the fastest rate but one that people can take things easy and enjoy their life with leisure. There is no need to win all the time. It is ok to give the underdogs a helping hand. We need not always put our focus on the champions.

  7. It is even more meaningless to continue spending millions buying medals via a few FT's. I have no idea how that would benefit Singapore. These FT's are probably all Singaporeans (legally) by now but we all can tell that they are here basically for the money. I doubt there is any loyalty from these FT's.

    The garman argued that the money spent on YOG would eventually benefit the local business. My question is: are we serious about sports or are we talking about money again. If it was just a business decision, that I shall take it as that. i.e if it doesn't benefit me, then I don't care!
