Sunday, August 15, 2010

Youth Olympic Games

Poor coverage in international media
Low turnout at concert.

Meal for volunteers
Meeting basic requirements

My view
The low coverage in the media in other countries is quite disappointing. Singapore is getting a lot of bad luck lately. But, on the positive side, the Sentosa casino is doing well.


  1. If casino is doing well, somebody must be losing much to the casino.

  2. Just a suggestion: To help to reverse our recent bad lucks. A small budget can be set aside for our top leaders to attend Dr. Steven Covey's workshop on the 8th habit of effective people that is "Find Your Voice and Inspire Others to Find Theirs". Such a good habit enables a good listening skill. So that more listening to the people's voice can be taken place more smoothly; instead of an outdated mode of communication - "more often and more telling". One effective way of keeping with the times is for all productivity movements to be spearheaded by the very tops to ensure maximum benefits against unit-cost.
