Saturday, August 21, 2010

Educational talks by FISCA

Click here for the two educational talks organised by FISCA in August 2010:

Investing for the Long Term - 21 August
Financial Planning - A Practical Approach - 28 August

I am giving the talk on 28 August. If you wish to ask questions to me, please register and attend the talk. Spend $30 and the time to be educated. It is for your own good. Do not wait to have a problem and ask for help at that time. You get a free copy of the book, "Practical Guide on Financial Planning".


  1. Mr Tan

    I had signed up for your Financial Planning Talk on 28 Aug 2010. However while I was making payment via Paypal, my computer hanged and the payment cannot be processed.

    I had sent 2 emails to your FISCA administrator but they have yet to respond to it. Please advise me what should I do. Can I pay via cheque instead?

  2. You can pay on the spot on Saturday. Give a cheque or cash to the volunteers.

    Sorry about the lack of reply.

  3. Dear Vincent, I have received your email and replied accordingly. You can contact our administrator at 6837 3560 on Friday.

    Michael Zhan

  4. Dear Mr Tan,
    I was so sad to miss the talk today as I (& 5 others) didn't know about the venue change. Guess I registered too early. Hope to be able to hear from you another time!

  5. Dear Yin
    So sorry about the miscommunication caused by the change of venue. We will hold another talk in one month's time. Those who missed today can come free of charge for the next talk. Thanks for your understanding and support.

  6. Dear Mr Tan,
    Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help with this, and look forward to attending the next one!

  7. Dear Mr Tan Kin Lian

    Thank you for the excellent talk. Here is a photo to share:

  8. Dear ckwongb
    Many thanks. Your photo now appears in my blog!
