Sunday, August 01, 2010

Foreign policy

Read this article.

My view
Singapore was highly regarded by China many years ago. The situation appears to have changed significantly in recent years.


  1. Yes ! Both Mainland China & Taiwan are getting weary of our 'we know "bestterest" ' attitude. Unlike them, we humble Singaporeans have to take it as they come.

  2. One simple question:

    Do you dare to vote him out come election time?

    I think 66.6% of Singaporeans DARE NOT! Because they are afraid that
    1) their flats value will go down
    2) their flat environment will not be well maintained.
    3) they will not have their covered walkways such that come rainy days, they will have to brave the rain.
    4) they will be discovered by the ruling party that they vote opposition and will face "persecution".
    5) Singapore will collapse if PAP is not return to power
    6) that PAP are all world class talents, they are indispensable
    7) they will feel that they are indebted to the incumbents because the govt has given us sweets before election time.
    8) that some of their family members (or themselves) belong to the civil services/govt bodies so die die must vote for ruling party. That must be the most powerful force since govt is one of the largest employer in this land.

    Do you still want some more reasons?

  3. The only thing S'pore had been "bestterest" so far is perhaps "Ministers and PM's salaries."

    Other thing better be humble ...

    While Chairman Mao pledged that the Chinese would be able to bend nature to their will, our MM thinks that no amount of engineering can prevent flooding in Singapore as they are "acts of God"....
