Saturday, August 28, 2010

Gambling on credit [3]

Hi Mr Tan, 
With regards giving credit, what are your views for the following: 
i) Margin trading (shares and forex) where you are actually using leverage which is the same as speculating with money that is on credit 
ii) Speculating in property (Down payment of 20%, but you are betting on the increase of the other 80% of the property price, which is the credit given to you by the bank) for those yet to TOP new property. 
iii) Credit cards - Borrowing twice your salary or getting a loan using cashline / unsecured credit. We can do that and gamble the amount away as well. Banks give credit for people in need of funds or to speculate in stock market. The only reason banks do their credit assessment and proper due dilligence is that they are worried the customers cannot pay and they will incur credit lossses after the customers lose money in stock market. Finally, it appears that the $26 million person probably can afford to pay, otherwise the casino will not give credit anyway. 

1) Speculating on margin is not the same as gambling on credit. The speculator has to put up the margin and if the price moves to the extent of the margin, the position is closed by the stockbroker - due to lack of margin.
ii) A person should buy a property for own occupation and to within 5 years of the income, so that the repayment of the mortgage loan is not a burden. It is bad to borrow 80% to speculate in a property, hoping for the price to move up and to sell it at a profit. This is dangerous speculation and should be avoided.
iii) Borrowing on credit card should also be avoided, as the interest burden is too high, i.e. 2% a month or 24% per annum.
If the gambler has to bring cash to gamble, he would not have brough t $26 million to gamble. The danger is to gamble on credit, as it could be unlimited. This can happen to any family. Imagine a member of your family come home and said that he or she owed a large sum of money to the casino - representing all the savings of your family!

1 comment:

  1. There's this local gambler who lost $100K thru online gambling. Don't think got credit, so "only" lost entire life savings. I know of people quitting their jobs to become day traders, but this guy quit to be day gambler!
