Sunday, August 22, 2010

How to fight cancer

Here is an interesting talk on how to eat the right food to fight cancer?


  1. According to my friend who studies Bio-chemical, if a human wants to live a rip, long life biologically, it is best that he (or she) lives in a black box isolated from the environment, breathing pure oxygen through breathing mask and taking in nutrient through intravenous means.

    I somehow agrees with him. A pessimistic bunch, aren't we?

  2. Dr. Li's views about using diet to cut off blood vessels feeding cancer cells are far too simplistic.
    The anti-cancer foods do help, but I came across a woman with fourth stage breast cancer, putting up a robust fight against all odds to beat the disease. She put up a holistic, comprehensive plan in her fight.
    She realised that mental and physical stress are just as important as diet and drugs, so she gave up a high pay career to become a stress-free retiree, and then adopted a TCM based exercise program which she practised daily.
    Meanwhile, she switched to a diet that was anti-cancer, like grapeseed oil, green tea, dark grape juices, tumeric, fish, green veggie, etc., cutting out all poultry and red meats.
    Amazingly, she is now as healthy, if not more healthy than before, beating against the odds of dying in a few months time.
    Before I forget, she studied meditation, as she believed mind over body philosophy, willing herself mentally to destroy cancer cells through meditation.
    After more than ten years now, she is glowing with health.
    Meeting her is my best life experience ever.
