Saturday, August 14, 2010

Junk Mail

Small businesses need fliers
Costly, messy
Take action against indiscriminate advertising

My view
I will be building a portal called Easy Ads. This will allow the small business to advertise their products and services, instead of paying money on flyers.

1 comment:

  1. Using flyers to advertise products & services is, no doubt inexpensive.

    The desired effects are also doubtful. The practice seems to cause more unhappiness than the intended effect of marketing the service & product.

    I believe that any product will sell provided that the customer's interest is looked after properly.
    Many small businesses are focused on making profits. There is nothing wrong with that.
    There is the other aspect of truly believing in the product and the service that goes with it that is equally important.

    Inevitably the business will face problems when profit is the sole reason for their being.

    I would suggest that they focus on providing the best customer experience and support. This will be far more productive & sustainable. The flyers will simply cause irritation & annoyance, and money wasted.

    Give your customers excellent value and they will spread your name further than any flyer can.. all for free.

    After all, how many calls or customers do you wish to respond the flyers? Assuming 1000 flyers were sent, what is the expected response rate?
