Friday, August 20, 2010

Members of Parliament

This report shows the pay of Members of Parliament in various countries. In most countries, the MP works full time in their parliamentary work. In Singapore, they work part time and have another full time job.


  1. Top pay for MPs alright, but citizens also demand tip top performance. Recently some MPs from the ruling Party do not show they have earned their stripes,
    leading us to question their capability to hold their fort.

  2. If I recall correctly, MM Lee Kuan Yew when he was PM has said, all MPs must have their own careers outside Parliament. They must not rely on Parliament as their sole source of income. Exclusion of course only for ministers who must be full time. Therefore ministers must be compensated adequately.

    I don't think Singapore MP, though high, is out of sync. It's the minister pay that has rocketed into outerspace. If you look at other countries, ministers are paid a scale or perhaps a few scales above MPs depending on seniority, just like senior managers are paid more than junior executives. In Singapore, minister pay is about ten-fold MP pay.

    If MPs aren't allowed their own careers outside, they'd look palely penniless beside their multi-millionnaire ministerial colleagues in Parliament.

    Most foreign MPs are also provided with offices and expected to be in office for reasonably regular hours. Singapore provides nothing. PAP MPs have their resources for a room for a weekly meet-the-people session. Opposition MPs have to figure out how themselves and pay their own way through.

  3. Sg needs full-time MP who is interested to serve the public and the country.
