Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Motor accident

Mr Tan,
My car was hit by a lorry while I was fetching my son from his childcare centre. During the accident, my car was parked outside the childcare centre (hazard light is on). I was about to buckle the seat belt for my son on the passenger side when the lorry hit my car on the right rear. 

However, I was informed by the workshop later that the driver has given a different account of the accident. He claimed that I cut into his lane and caused his vehicle to hit my car. Now I am facing problem on claiming from his insurance company due to this discrepancy.

Are you able to find someone who can be a witness to this accident? This will be useful, if you have to dispute the other report of the accident. Anyway, if the lorry hit you in the rear, the lorry is liable for the accident, even if the lorry driver claimed that you stopped your car suddenly.


  1. get a in-car camera to avoid such issue. a simple one cost less than $100 and easy to install. just film in the front direction and all stories like your car rolls back and hit other party or even like the one mentioned can be verified with the video.

    the video was helpful in my friend's case in which the other party claimed his car rolled back. the other party didn't really said that on the spot and he didn't know my friend had a camera inside his car. my friend was only informed by the insurance company about it later and the company will act on it as my friend already submitted the video to them while filing his claim. so good luck to the other party. we just need to protect ourselves. i have one cheap one installed too.

  2. an in-car camera is an excellent idea. Where can i get one?

    Everyone should have the in-car camera to protect oneself against dishonest drivers. Sometimes, they may even speed away, how to trace them? Anyway if i ever caught one lying, i will have no qualms to report to the police

  3. you can get one from car forum, example is this:

    also if anyone of us witness an accident, do stop and volunteer to be witness. help each other.

  4. Txs eJim

    i heard stories that sometimes, they will also activate their fellow peers to come in and act as witness

    afterall if there are out to lie, why not just rope in another liar?

    So i think an in-car camera is still better

    But yes, if i witness an accident, i would stop and volunteer as a witness if i am not rushing to work in the morning!

  5. In a world where video is an increasingly ubiquitous; insurance companies and transport managers are now identifying the need for video evidence to resolve claims. Not to mention self employed citizens such as taxi drivers and tradesman – whom are often at the brunt of any vehicle incident dispute.
    Witness Camera
