Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Fare System

According to the Straits Times report, the Transport Minister said in Parliament that the transport operators are expected to forego $88 million a year with distanced based fares, and that the Public Transport Council had assigned them two-thirds of the cost of moving to the new fare system, with one-third of the cost being borne by commuters.

How much did the new fare system cost to implement, and why was this figure not reported?

This article said that commuters are paying more.


  1. Certainly commuters are paying more and more. I have to increase my budget by 40% for transport. That is a huge amount for retiree.

  2. How do we verify the numbers that the Transport Minister present anyway? It's up to what he says.

    Whenever the government announces anything new, i am already convinced that the people will end up paying more someway somehow

  3. Very easy to compare lah. Just see next year's financial reports for SMRT and SBS Transit lor. See how much extra revenue they have made from ridership.

    To be fair, you can compare based on revenue per headcount, to account for the ever-increasing passengers due to the bigger influx of foreigners going forward.

    PTC should be doing this. No need to wait until next year's financial report. Just compare based on 3 months before the fare change, versus 3 months after.

  4. I always have the impression that charging bus and train fares can be very simple. Do we really need such complicated formulas to find the "correct" price for taking buses and trains?

  5. Can someone help me to do some research? Did the Minister for Transport announce anywhere about the money spend on the implementation of the distance based fares?
