Wednesday, August 04, 2010

New wave of immigrants

Read this report.

My view
It is a bad idea for Singapore to take in additional workers when the infrastructure and housing is inadequate.


  1. LHL shouldn't have shot his mouth off with that "at least another 100,000 needed per year" line.

    Now, every tom dick harry across the world from pakistan to philippines are smacking their lips on jumping on board the singapore express.

    Web sites in India, China, Philippines etc are exhorting their citizens to take advantage of the even wider open door policy now. Even Filipino govt officials have been reported going around to broadcast this message to their people, and to help facilitate with job contacts, interviews, rental contacts, community support groups etc.

  2. For injecting more and more 'FT' is a stupid blind-folded policy that will only aggravate the situation which is now popular described as a 'disconnect'. Many of our recent string of bad lucks are resulted from this 'disconnect'. When the people and the heartlanders are not happy or not ready for such a big magic influx (1.7 million of them over a short span of time - very unique as a tiny island nation, an 'act of a God') of 'FT', the process of integration simply cannot take place. Without the strength of integration, all resources and efforts will become a wasteful exercise. The investments will bear no fruits. Very likely, we will end up in a wilderness in the next 45 years - Nothing to celebrate, come every August 9th!! Do recognise the fact that God has a different plan for a different man/woman. So respect their choices and Singapore and Singaporeans will be better-off in a long run.

  3. What is there to celebrate ? I am asking myself why is my Son serving in the army ? What is there to defend when you have no more identity with your own country. ?

  4. Celebrate that they have another year to earn millions lor!

  5. The rapid influx of foreigners may undo all the years of effort promoting and fostering racial tolerance and harmony.

    There is simply not enough time for the new comers to integrate and be accepted, given that there are obvious cultural differences.

    Like michael13 mentioned, this rapid influx for the sake of progress/development will more likely backfire and achieve the opposite effect!
