Saturday, August 07, 2010

No dream too bold

Here is a National Day message from a Singaporean.

My view
I agree with his views. We have made commitments on the goals of Singapore, in our National Day songs and pledges. Many people share the same aspirations. We only need to match deeds with words - the mark of integrity.


  1. I tend to agree that realise "dreams" efforts and implementation must be bold enough.
    E.g. Encouraging birth rate and providing healthcare.

    The Govt always get bogged down to complex policies for implementation ... while trying to save some money by segregating the population via income earning, class of housing etc.

    Hence, like health care "means testing" ... why not all genuine Singaporeans will enjoy the same benefits rather than look at ways to save from those with slightly higher income. As a result it frustrates the "middle income earners" particularly. I am sure those who can really afford it, if rich, will look for private medical treatment on their own.

    To mature as a real 1st World Nation, policy should basically be embracing all citizens and according them with equal benefits and oppoprtunities, not seeking to disadvantage some by grouping, etc, so to "save money" for our country.

  2. Lucky Tan's piece is spot-on.
    Wish my PM can make our dreams come true, but I have my doubts.
    As C H Yak -12:23pm puts it, a real
    1st World Nation must act like one.

    Then again, we have ministerial-grade "Singaporean" who belive that we are not a country !

    Well dream-on, fellow Singaporeans and have a good long week-end.
