Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Poor customer service

Why do Singapore provide poor customer service? Here is a view.

My view
Good customer service comprise of three components:

  • Culture
  • Training
  • System
While there is little that can be done about culture, as it comes from the upbringing and education, there is much  that can be done to put up a customer service system, backed by training based on that system. If we study great organisations like Walt Disney, we can see the importance of system and training.


  1. Rex comments as follows.

    I think good customer service comes from a Happy worker. All this training and systems are useless. They learn today and three months later they are back to square one.
    I strongly believe that a happy worker will give good customer service. It is natural flow over, a happy person automatically shares his happiness and manifests as courtesy.

    How to be happy?
    Politics, Religion, Money, many factors.
    Be happy, and you will be courteous. Be sad, and you will be indifferent to customers, sometimes even rude.


  2. Actually I would say that culture is very important towards the type of customer service being offered.

    But I don't mean culture based on the individual or on race or on nationality. I mean organisational culture, the tone, the values, the integrity and the philosophy of the CEO and the senior mgmt. This often makes or breaks the service culture.

    Even in systems thinking and project mgmt, one of the very first crucial preliminary step is to gain the support of a "corporate sponsor" i.e. someone who is senior enough in the corporate hierarchy.
