Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Singapore Dream

Read this article.
Do you prefer the version by SM Goh or Lucky Tan? Take this survey.


  1. I read this poster at a bus-stop put up by the relevant Ministry.

    It goes something like this "WE DREAM TO BE SCHOLARS" with a photo showing a few smiling kids at primary or pre-school age. LOL.

    When I was young ... the wildest "dream" put in "composition writing" on the topic "My Ambition" would be something like ... I want to be a "doctor", "teacher" ... I remember my own wildest was to be a "scientist" or "inventor"...and no one will ever say be a "scholar".

    The DREAM gets really BIG & DEEP these days - dream to be "scholars" ... why? It is misleading and inculcating wrong values in our young.

  2. Does the Singapore Dreams resemble those in the "Animal Farm"

    The blurr sotongs will be like the horse Boxer, who follows the changing of goalposts and instructions from the pigs and blindly and work and work. Upon death, even his bones are sold away

    I reckon most of us are like Molly the sheep. They know what is going on, but prefer to look intelligent and stay quiet

    As for the pigs, well the "Animal Farm" didn't really conclude what happen to them eventually...
