Wednesday, August 04, 2010

US economy

Read this report.

My view
The US economy was able to achieve a modest recovery during the past year due to the large stimulus to the economy provided by the government. But, it did not solve the underlying problem of high unemployment and creating sustained consumer demand. When the stimulus runs out, the economy will go into recession again. What happens in US will also apply to the rest of the world. The big imbalances, the wide disparity in incomes, the property bubbles, the bloating financial sector - they all contributed to the current global economic mess. If these root problems are not solved, the global economy will continue to get worse.


  1. Our NTUC together with SNEF & MOM boasted to the ILO that S'pore has a great V-shape recovery. LOL.

    Maybe next year, our tripartite leaders will teach the whole world how to "downturn an upturn" in a V shape recovery into a W shape recovery.

  2. Simply spend another 4 billion from the will be all right.
    Revive job credit.. business love it.
    Free money! cost free to keep workers on short leash.
    Give out more certificates from WDA

    USA prints money only
    We print certificates AND give money!

    Say what you want.. it works!!
