Monday, August 09, 2010

Which type of attachment brings bliss?

Extract from Tommy Wong's book, "Wisdom on How to Live Life"
Tom: Can you tell me more about living as souls?
Guru: By living as souls, we’re not too motivated by physical rewards. That’s why we can live with no attachment to physical objects.
Tom: This no attachment part, is it really achievable?
Guru: It’s not a question whether it’s achievable. It must be achieved in order to avoid pain.
Tom: Attachment leads to pain.
Guru: Yes, actually this saying only applies to physical and emotional attachments.
Tom: You mean there is a type of attachment that can bring joy?
Guru: Yes, by attaching to the Divine, it actually brings bliss. It’s called spiritual attachment.

Tommy Wong's books (book 1 and 2) can be ordered here.

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