Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why don’t they promote peace as a goal in life?

Extract from Tommy Wong's book, "Wisdom on How to Live Life"

Tom: If peace is so good, why don’t they promote it?
Guru: Because it has little commercial value.
Tom: Can you elaborate?
Guru: You see peace is a spiritual quality, so we don’t need to buy commercial products to achieve peace. In fact if peace is our goal, we’ll have less desire and we’ll buy less.
Tom: Less luggage, more comfort.
Guru: And more peace.
Tom: So what’s the problem?
Guru: Actually, it’s the solution, and there’s no problem.
Tom: Then?
Guru: But our societies measure their success by economic growth.
Tom: Everybody measures their success by economic growth, right?
Guru: Only in materialistic societies. In spiritual societies, they don’t.
Tom: How do they measure success?
Guru: By physical and spiritual well being of their citizens.

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