Friday, August 13, 2010

YOG in perspective

Here is a message from my friend.


  1. i think we should look at the other benefits that this S$387m can bring about

    Then it will be more fair to make judgement

    We should take into account the tourism potential (now and possibly future as other countries will know Singapore more) and other direct spendings by the participates and delegates that contribute to the local business

    While there are other issues that are yet to resolve or can be improved upon (which are mentioned in the youtube), i think it is seperate matter and there is no need to sensationalise it.

    If we want to harp on how this S$387m spent, why not harp on other expenses incurred, for example,in national defence every year, where tens of thousands of reservists are called up for in camp training for 2~3 weeks, and more than 70% of the time spent is simply idling and waiting for things to happen? Surely this is more wasteful that the S$387m spent in YOG?

  2. There are many ways which these money can be used. The goverment may think that spending these money in YOG can generate the GDP and also create a brand name for Singapore. However, will this give us happiness? We are faced with so many issues such as high cost of living, floods, congested MRT and high sucide rate and these issues are not being addressed. I wonder what will the future be like.

  3. JRT, if by today the world still needs to know SG more then it means all past efforts have failed. The world already knows enough about SG, the gd and the bad. What is happening today is decreasing marginal returns. Some things SG is more suited for and does well, some things not, and FUN is definitely not something associated with a police state and authoritarian leegime LOL.

  4. Natioinal Defence is a must, not YOG. Don't argue for the sake of arguing.
    Taxpayers cringe at the more than three times cost overrun to stage the YOG, which is not a necessity.

  5. Rex comments as follows,

    The youtube link from Opposition leader GMS implied that all Singaporeans don't want YOG and don't need YOG at all.

    What is "Singaporean"? It is very wide concept. How can GMS make a sweeping statement like that, i am very disappointed.

    Taxi drivers are very very happy with YOG. Big business. So are event organisers, food providers, bus uncles, entertainers, aren't these thousands of small time businessmen ordinary singaporeans? Did they suffer in any personal way, in spite of the overall YOG budget of Singapore Inc., shooting way up? It is good clean business for quite a lot of singaporeans, the YOG is god-send,, 20 days of 5000 heads count in Singapore.

    It is very unfair to say "Singaporeans don't need YOG". Some love it, some don't. Try building a university. Or a Bicycle lanes. The kopiSoh will say, i have no use for a university today, give me cash. The sick and infirm will say, give me cash, i have no use for cycle lane. How do you please everyone, it is crazy.

    Whilst it is true that the budget is too high, this is not the time to complain about it. The unseen benefits may also be reaped years later. IT adds to the portfolio of Singapore's capability, if the yOG is successful. OK, you say pap get the credit. But it filters down to singaporeans who travel, they get respected and they are one-up if the country's reputation is higher. OF course those who stay in singapore all the time in their cocoon don't see these latent hidden future benefits.

    IF 204 countries support it, and we are now the hosts to their visitation, how can we still slap our own face and make ourselves look like fools and condemn everything on websites and youtube.

    An alternate news website has gone berserk lambasting every teeny weeny bit of problem on the YOG issue, even resorting to publishing lies. I think it is destroying the fabric of Singaproe society maybe more than the money "wasted" on promoting YOG.

    Enjoy the games! Relax!


  6. YOG is a good initiative by the authority-concerned. It promote our international standing and brings along an invisible value for our nation and people as a whole in a long run. Although the costs of hosting it is high, treasure a rare opportunity for a few. I support and enjoy the games in an olympic spirit.

  7. While Singapore may have many issues that are not resolved, i think hosting the YOG is a seperate matter altogether

    From the feedback gathered, the YOG is generally not preferred here. But why are we shooting down the efforts of the government in bringing the YOG to Singapore. Surely, the retail malls, taxi drivers, bus drivers, tour guides, hotels etc have reaped the benefits in some ways. After the YOG, there may (or may not) be more tourism dollars following into Singapore, it is still not clear now

    So would you prefer the govt to spend S$387m and benefit some of the Singaporeans and businesses here, or for the govt to keep the S$387m in their coffers?

    I am not against the YOG, as the benefits of hosting this event seems unclear at this juncture, but i don't quite like the way it is being organised and publicised

    To Yujuan on the national defence issue, you have missed the point altogether. National defence is a must and I am a believer of national defence. But i do question the manner in which the defence force is built up, the money spent and the time is spent (or squandered). If you need to improve the security at your house, all you need is to spend a couple of thousands dollars to install stronger grills and locks. But do you need to spend millions additional in wasteful material and labour costs and time to install the grills and locks?

    To Recruit Ong, Singaporeans only know Singapore because the media keep talking about ourselves only. Does the world really know Singapore? And for those that know Singapore, what do they talk about us? Assuming that Singapore is really so famous for who and what we are, thanks to the efforts pumped in over the last few years, and that everybody knows Singapore, i still can't fault the govt efforts in further promoting Singapore by way of YOG. This will bring in tourism dollars and creat jobs (hopefully the jobs do not go to the FT!). Why should we basked in our self-perceived success because of govt propoganda and remain stagnant?
