Thursday, August 12, 2010

Your endowment could be sold for more

Message from REP Holdings

Did you know that your endowment policies could be sold for a higher value instead of surrendering back to the insurance firm? 

Just like you don’t have to sell your cars or flats back to the original manufacturer, your endowment policies can be assigned to a third party instead of surrendering back to the issuing life office.

We recognize that endowment policies are valuable saving tools that the policy owners have been keeping in force for a number of years. Instead of having these contracts terminated upon premature surrendering, the Resale Endowment Policies (REPs) can be transferred and continue to serve as useful financial tools.

We help surrendering policy owners to obtain higher values for their policies and provide the new policy owners taking over the REPs with shorter terms to maturity and better risk-adjusted returns.

Please visit our website or check with your financial consultants for more information. At REPs Holdings, we conserve policies and enhance values.

Micky Neo,
Director, REPs Holdings

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