Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Buying a property

Here are 10 steps to follow

My view
Many people fail to follow most of these steps. They go to a property launch and listen to the sales talk of the well dressed property agent. The agent tell them that the prices are going up, and get the buyer to sign an option on the spot. None of these steps were followed. The buyer must avoid going to property launches, especially if they have not done any homework.

1 comment:

  1. A good summary.

    I have also written several postings on the topic "The Property Bubble & Investment Trap" in my blog, from the perspective of warning "homeowners" against making a wrong move in view of absurd high prices and bubble in the property market. Due to the recent control measures introduced, I will continue to put up updates and advice for genuine "home-occupier" investors.

    I focus on properties in the price spectrum from HDB DBSS to mass & mid range condo markets...where I expect to see most of the price consolidation...from an insight perspective of someone working within the construction & property development industry.

    This is the link to my blog ...

    You may also click the link from Mr Tan's blog list - "Leviathan".

    There is a huge surge in traffic to my blog recently.
