Thursday, September 09, 2010

Customer Service - contact number

Richard Branson talked about companies that make it difficult for customers to contact them. This is true. Many companies bury their contact number in obscure places in their website - so that customers will not call them. How bad.,-its-the-second-impression-that-counts

1 comment:

  1. It is not so bad if the tel number is hidden somewhere. Some companies even do not list their tel numbers on their websites. Other companies list tel numbers, but when you call them they insist that you eml them for any query. They list their eml ids and expect you to eml them for anything.

    When you eml them and leave your phone number for them to call you back for any clarifications, they invariably do not call you back. I guess they want to save on phone charges. They instead send you another eml.

    This eml conversation can go back and forth several times over a few days. A simple phone call, even at the customer's expense, could have solved the matter in a few minutes.

    I am now going thru this hassle with Chartis for a travel insurance product bought at the recent Natas fair.

    Welcome to the world of technology and the internet.
