Monday, September 13, 2010

FISCA Talk - Invest for the Long Term

This talk attracted many participants last month. It will now be repeated.

Invest for the long term SMU - School of Business (Seminar Room 3.1 - Level 3) 
Date: 25 September 2010, Saturday 03:00 PM 

This event is available to all FiSCA members at a special members price of $20. The public can participate at a price of $30 per person. We encourage the public to join as FiSCA members as the annual fee for members is only $36.

An outline of the talk:

  • Principles of long term investing, compounding and dollar cost averaging
  • Earn a better yield by investing in equities
  • Reduce risk by investing for the long term in a low cost, diversified fund
  • How to access information from the SGX website
  • How to get information about ETFs, REITS and  blue chip shares (with high dividend yield)
  • How to open an account with a stockbroker (using a remisier or an online account)
  • Expenses of investing
There will be practical exercises and a question & answer session. Register at

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