Saturday, September 04, 2010

Land at Gerrards Cross, UK

Hello Mr Tan
A company is currently offering land in Gerrards Cross in the UK to investors via Friday evening sales events at some of the major hotels in Singapore and Malaysia. Apparently if you buy land at these  events you may get a free Apple IPad computer. 
According to this Freedom of Information request below the land being sold  is green belt and protected until at least  2026. South Bucks  say they have enough land to meet housing requirements until that time.  
I wonder if this information which is clearly in the public domain and must be known to the marketeer, is being disclosed to investors at these events ?  
    You have a new response to the Freedom of Information request
    'Status Of Land In Gerrards Cross' that you made to South Bucks
    District Council.
    To view the response, click on the link below.
    When you get there, please update the status to say if the response
    contains any useful information.
    Although all responses are automatically published, we depend on
    you, the original requester, to evaluate them.


  1. There is a good comment from the UK local authority involved here.
    This would be the general rule applying to any Green Belt land plots being offered in England

    The Council has become aware of the intensive marketing of plots of land from a number of large areas of land in the Green Belt in South Bucks. The plots are promoted as an investment opportunity with the suggestion that planning permission for housing development will be forthcoming at some time in the future.

    Please see “Core Strategy Development Plan Document for more details. In it you will see that the Council is vehemently committed to the protection and enhancement of the Green Belt.

    The Core Strategy and its evidence base demonstrate that the Council can meet its development requirements at least to 2026 without the need for the release of any land from the Green Belt for development.

    If the plot of land you are interested in is currently in the Green Belt it is very likely to remain as Green Belt – in which case the strongest policies of restraint upon development will still apply.

    Please give serious consideration to the above points before purchasing any plots advertised as an investment opportunity. It is likely that they are not.
