Monday, September 06, 2010


What is a metaphor?

My view
I was quite surprised that a person could be arrested just for using what is word like "burn". Nobody pays attention to these statements - except the police who make the address for "inciting violence". How can an unknown person incite other people? Who is so gullible to follow his call, even if he had meant the word "burn" literally?


  1. I dare say that the younger generation including my own children have been left in the lurch with regards to the learning of English. This "burning question" need to be put in proper perspective, to use a phrase that someone just used two days ago !
    Our "scholar" elite, I am afraid do not seem to have a good grasp of the idomatic use of English words. Quite sad. The AGC hopefully, will review and stop the witch-hunt.

  2. They couldn't decide whether it was a "job" for the Education Minister, Law Minister or Home Affairs Minister ... who to take the responsibility and blame? So let the "boy" face it first. In China, this strategy is called "Kill the chicken, to scare the monkey".
