Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Mr. Brown sings about the $9,000 for NS men

Listen to this song.


  1. Kind of ironic. $ 9k only to be given to active and reserve NSmen. The govt should at least give something to ex-NSmen as a show of appreciation. It is NOT the money that counts, but the recognition of their past NS duties.

    Here again, the govt is practising age discrimination.

  2. Agreed with VS Lingam. A small token of appreciation would be welcomed but not really necessary either. But have to disagree on the age discrimination part.

    There is no end if one demands schemes/rewards system to be applied retroactively.

    What about when ICT is cut from 13 cycles to 10 cycles now. Want to demand compensation for the old bird who did 3 cycles more than the newer birds?

    What happened to the 1970ish weight-lifting Olympian Gold(or silver) Medalist who did not get any monetary rewards that the young atheletes are getting nowadays. Ang Peng Siong would have gotten quite a substantial amount if the rewards were applied retroactively.

    They just moved on with their life, anything more will be an added bonus, NO REGRETS.

  3. I agree that there'd be no end if awards keep being awarded retrospectively. However, since it's S$9,000 over 3 milestones for current servicemen, I suggest that a fairer and more sensible way is to recognise past reservists still living today with a token S$3,000.
