Sunday, September 05, 2010

See things in perspective

Dear Mr. Tan,
SM Goh ask Singaporeans to see things in perspective. Perhaps, someone can tell him to see things from our perspective. We have to work long  hours to earn just enough to pay for the high cost of housing and to travel in crowded trains. I will respect him, if he come and join us in the crowded trains, and then we can see things with the same perspective. 



  1. I was shocked to read what the SM said ! Is he real ? Yes, let him experience the MRT train rides and the usual Expressway traffic on a normal day- any time. Of course, it will be a wasted excerise, because as soon as his party of security personnel/ "grass-roots" / SMRT/LTA official are in view, presto ,what jam, he will ask !

    I sugget he & any concerned Auhority just view a week worth of the "security video" that I am sure LTA/SMRT/SBS have and then give their views again.

  2. SM has lost touch with reality, after being in a bubble (surrounded by yes-men) for so long.

  3. I agree with what SM says. Singaporeans are too self centred already.

    However, govt must also take responsibility for singaporeans becoming too impatient and self centred. Because they were the ones who set the policies for making singaporeans what they are today.

    In order to solve the problems. Everyone must take self responsilibities. Citizens, govt, the middle level managers individuals and groups from all sectors and families. Reduce the finger pointing and start walking the talk. I, as an individual, will walk my talk and take responsibility for things whether it is personal things or society issues.

  4. I think if you earn millions,live in an exclusive and protected area, travel with police excort and security personnel, it is difficult to see the perspective of the ordinary folks.

    Go to Funan food court, you will see two very very old ladies still have to work to clear tables. One of them always refuse for my token financial help. It is only with much persuadsion that she accepted. I dare not imagine if I look from her perspective and then can say that I have no complaints in life!

  5. REX comments as follows,

    In analysiing the SM Goh's latest singaporean bashing statement, one has to understand to whom is he speaking to.
    Mr Goh in my opinion, is speaking to the middle class, the well-heeled, the foreign talents, and the civil service. These are the strongest group of supporters. He is speaking to them urging them to be thankful for what they already have - which is actually very comfortable to get by with.

    Get this - SM Goh is NOT speaking to the poor, the losers, the unemployed in our Society.

    So his exhortation makes a lot of sense and warmth and comfort, if you belong to the first group, but is utter rubbish if you belong to the second group.

    Election Result is a numbers game of the first group and the 2nd group. For as long as the first group is numerically bigger than the 2nd group, there is no use for SM Goh to waste time to speak to the 2nd group. The aim of the ruling party is to keep the first group happy and numerically higher than the 2nd group. To date i think this is the case still.


  6. I think the ruling PAP government has made a serious fundamental mistake of NOT getting people involved early in this big and rapid influx of so-called 'FT'. You need the people's full co-operation on the importance of integration but yet you ignore the concerns of the people is simply not a logical living solution. The only effect is for the opposition parties to gain their greater influence on the electorate. The seed is thus planted for Singapore to start a good development for a two-party system.

    Reasonably to conclude after the next election: A strong government + A strong people's voice = A real strong Singapore. More foreign investors will be attracted in.

  7. The current government has lost sight of its original governing philosophy, and has been sadly reduced to a parody of its former self.

    There's an interesting article here. Please check it out.
