Thursday, September 23, 2010

Survey: contingency fees

Read this paper on Contingency Fee for Professionals.

Should Singapore adopt a system of contingency fees for laywers and doctors? Give your views in this short survey.


  1. I spoke to a doctor and asked for his views about the practice of contingency fee for specialists undertaking treatment where the outcome is uncertain.

    He said that the medical profession has not discussed this concept, as all doctors are supposed to practice ethically, in the interest of the patient.

    He agreed with me that the ethical principles have been eroded as more doctors are now commercially minded. He thinks that the contingency fee arrangement might be useful to align the interest of the specialist with the patient.

    If specialists know that they will not be paid for unsuccessful outcome, they will not encourage patients (or their family members) to take treatment with a low chance of success.

    He agreed with my view that the contingency fee should be made a practice rather than a law.

  2. I feel the "contingency approach" is more and particularly suitable for the legal profession.

    The likehood of "abuse" in the legal profession is relatively higher, especially for legal cases involving "appeals".
