Thursday, September 30, 2010

What is good customer service?

1. Commit to quality service
2. Know your products
3. Know your customers
4. Treat people with courtesy and respect.
5. Never argue with a customer
6. don't leave customers in limbo
7. Always provide what you promise.
8. Assume that your customers tell the truty.
9. Focus on making customers - not on sale
10. Make it easy to buy

View the infographics in
See how different industries and companies rank in customer service.


  1. Customer service is not just about taking orders and answering questions - it's about SERVING your customer, and helping them. You might just make a much larger impact than you ever expected. Anyways, thanks for sharing this post!
    Small Business Answering service

  2. It is very important that every customer service agent would know that their job is not just taking orders and answering questions but most of all it is their responsibility to help and assist the customers concerns and to top their customers satisfaction as well.

    BPO Services Philippines
