Saturday, September 04, 2010

What is Talent?

Read this article.

My view
The word "talent" was invented to provide excuse for excessive greed and predatory practices of people earning obscene incomes, e.g. the talented people who created the derivative products and swaps or professionals who charge excessive fees. It was also used to fool the local people to accept foreigners to work in Singapore on favorable terms, while the locals have to bear the burden of national service.

1 comment:

  1. I agree fully that the "talent" in FT, is but a convienient way of getting some locals to accept the incredible influx. It is sad that our Government had not co-ordinated this influx, resulting in over-crowding everywhere. They failed to plan, something that was Un-uniguely Singapore. But then, this "Uniguely Singapore" has given way to another STB catch phrase. I wonder why ?
