Saturday, October 02, 2010

Announcement on SMRT trains

Drawing a line at vested interests

... So what sounds like a helpful public service announcement is, in fact,
an advertisement by SMRT for its own bus services...
If the Government deems that public transport should be privately provided,
should it not at least mandate that, in activities such as providing information to the commuting public,
operators like SMRT should place public service ahead of their commercial interests?
Richard Seah

1 comment:

  1. SMRT is not a proactive organisation. Their notices of 'Reserved Seatings' are often occupied by 'the young and fit' passengers. They prefer to be reactive and wait for the civic-minded Singaporeans to bombard by telling them - the original meaning of 'Reserved Seatings' are for the aged, the handicaps, the pregnant ladies and the women with young children as posted.
