Sunday, October 10, 2010

Benefit illustration

There are two formats for the benefit illustration given to the buyer of a life insurance policy:

  • participating policy
  • invsetment-linked policy
Both are difficult for the buyer to understand. They contain several hundred figures. The most important figures are hidden among these many figures and are usually not explained by the insurance agent.

To know what figures to look for and where to find the figures, read the FAQs in my website, Search for "benefit illustration" and look for the FAQs that explain the format of the benefit illustration that you are given.


1 comment:

  1. It is intended so that the buyers will give up reading them or listening to them being READ out by the insurance agents and listen to the short cut version by the insurance agents. The short cut version is usually the version that 'sells' and is a mixture of half truth, lies and misrepresentations.
    Do you think the customers can make informed decision or misinformed decision? neither....the customers are usually bored to death or lost the will to think and trust the agent to do whatever. This is how insurance products are sold. Is it a wonder customers only find out after many years or near maturity like the $5 million scam as reported in the Sunday Times today.
