Saturday, October 02, 2010

Drop in ranking of Singapore universities

The drop in THE rankings of Singapore’s top two universities, one by a whopping 101 places,
lays bare the contrast between expectations of a parochial public
and the realities on the ground.

1 comment:

  1. This drop of ranking of NTU by a whopping 101 places is a serious issue. I have three(3) points to make as follows:

    1) The tertiary education is expensive and it's heavily subsidised by the taxpayers at the national level.

    2) There are often the parents' sacrifices to make it possible for these group of fortunate young people to enjoy this privilege at the family level.

    3) The graduates and the under-graduates of NTU could unjustly be disadvantaged by the low ranking. Their job prospects might be adversely affected at the personal level.

    The letter from the President of NTU is insufficient to arrest the concern and to calm the outrage of the students and the alumni. Our members of parliament should and must move and table a motion for our Minister-responsible for tertiary education to give a full explanation on this important issue.
