Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Home insurance and damage by falling tree

Hi Mr Tan, 
Due to the recent heavy rainfall and floods in Singapore that caused trees to fall, I have been trying to buy home assurance to cover for fallen trees. But in vain. Only one underwriter seem to indicate vaguely its "coverage or non-coverage" for falling trees when it repeatedly quoted its policy on "insured perils" and its corresponding definitions. 

To a layman like me, I read these legal jargons as ambiguous and deceptive. I wrote to the GIA and they are equally evasive. They simply cannot explain in layman terms my simple qn: "if a tree falls on my house, will the insurance cover for the damage?" 

A simple question and yet no direct simple answer. But if I buy the cover and a tree falls, then only they will tell me a direct answer to my simple question. 

And their answer will be "No, it does not cover because fallen trees do not come under what is defined as "insured perils". Why not tell me now in this very direct and simple terms instead of relying on me interpreting their clauses and definition? 

Very exasperating. Only shows that insurance companies are not totally honest and upfront when selling their policies. 

My observation
In my view, the insurance policy should cover damage by falling tree, as it is not an excluded hazard and the policy should normally cover all perils. It is best to confirm with the insurance company. Their inability to give a clear answer is appalling. I advised the consumer to write to the Straits Times Forum page.

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