Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The less you know about finance the better

Everywhere you turn these days, some bigwig policymaker is talking about
the importance of financial literacy education.
The only problem is, there’s a fair amount of evidence that a lot of what we do
to teach better financial habits, like courses in high school, doesn't work.
Maybe we should ignore real-world complexity altogether
and just teach people financial rules of thumb.

1 comment:

  1. They teach you to half baked level so that you can make half baked informed decision whenever you are sold a financial product at half baked caveat emptor. Whetehr half baked or full baked you make an informed decision and that is caveat emptor. You cannot accuse the financial product providers nor you can accuse the salesmen for misinformation or non disclosure, you have to take responsibility of your purchase. This is the objective of providing you financial literacy to help you take ownership.The 80% of consumers to support the lifestyle of the 20% rogues.
