Wednesday, October 27, 2010

More Singaporeans covered by health insurance


  1. Khaw should really realise that if he were not a Minister, his private insurer would have either denied his claims (by finding fault with nitty gritty details) or dragged its foot on the processing of the insurance claims. This is what ordinary Singaporeans have to face. Khaw is really in a world of his own, and has lost touch with the harsh reality faced by many Singaporeans.

  2. Hmm, I thought Ministers and senior civil servants are covered by govt for A-class hospitalisation & treatment?

    Even my aunt, who is an old pensionable ex-primary school teacher is entitled to free A-class in govt hospitals.

    Maybe Khaw went to Mt Elisabeth or Gleneagles?

  3. It is an irony, but such is the system that we all live in. Because we choose to put a price tag on everything, health and justice eludes the poor and uneducated who most need them. Doctors and lawyers will spent time on clients who can pay top dollars. But how else can we do it when resources are scarce and everyone wants to consume more? Money is not evil, it is necessary to maintain order and becomes the distribution tool by itself.
