Monday, October 04, 2010

More teeth needed to curb false ads

Last year, a top multinational cosmetics company ran a national press advertisement in Britain ...
ASA asked for substantiation... rejected the studies... banned in its original form.
The same advertisement ran its full course in Singapore.
If a complaint had been made to ASAS,
would it have had the clout to take on a huge multinational corporation?
Cheng Shoong Tat

1 comment:

  1. A very popular company selling health products have been advertising a water filtration system that boasts to make water alkaline as well. But when using a litmus paper to test, the ph is the same as ordinary tap water.
    This company also sells air filter and air humidifier products using essential oils.
    Anybody could enter the Singapore market and boldly advertise to sell whatever they want, with free reins.
