Tuesday, November 02, 2010

PDF centric website - TKL website

PRIZE: The two winners, selected by a draw, are C Yee and Chen WL. Thanks to all participants.

My website, www.tankinlian.com is designed as a PDF centric website. The new design has been operational for about three months. It attracts over 400 unique visitors daily. The vistors come daily to view the new FAQ and articles on insurance and investments that are uploaded into the website regulary.

I am able to create a FAQ or article easily using Microsoft Word and to convert it into a PDF. It takes less than one minute to upload the FAQ or article and to write a description. The easy of uploading makes it easy for me to cerate a dynamic and active website.

The PDF centric website is also convenient for my readers to search and read the FAQs and articles. They can download the PDF into their computer for offline reading or to have a hard copy printout. They can also forward the PDF by e-mail to another person.

I can add graphics and pictures to the PDF easily, if I wish. The content of the PDF document can also be located with a google search.

I hope that my regular readers are now familiar with the style of the PDF centric website and like this format. Please give your feedback here.

PRIZE: My Financial Planning book (retail price: $12) will be given to two lucky persons who replied to this survey (selected by a draw).


  1. I'm one of those who don't click on those links that link outside anymore. As a result, I'm reading a lot less of those articles you've posted from elsewhere.

    Mr Tan, you should seriously consider A-B testing. Test to see whether readers are reading more of the article in HTML vs that in PDF.

    Technology is to help people save time. It doesn't help save time to have people do that extra click. Do the A-B testing.

  2. This PDF website is best read with Internet Explorer. I also find it easy to read with my Android mobile phone and with Google Chrome. However,
