Thursday, October 28, 2010

Should I continue my existing life policy?

Dear Mr Tan,
Having read your article on "How to read a Benefit Illustration (Par Policy)", I became curious about the deduction effect of my policy. With reference to ploicy year 25, the total premium amount paid at that point would be $37,680 and the effect of deductions would be $24,830. Guaranteed cash value at 25 years is $41,600 and death benefit is $100,000. Is it worth continuing with this policy?

Read this FAQ and get the information to make a decision.

1 comment:

  1. The real value is negative..!!!after 25 years.. Are you saving for negative return? Why pay high premium for protection? With the premium you can get covered for more $500K and have money to spare for investing.
    With par products you are TRAPPED from the moment you sign the contract and the contract is ONE way and all the way there are so many things loaded against you.YOU ARE HELD HOSTAGE for life until you terminate but you lose money.
    Engage an honest and qualified adviser and NOT a salesman or a conman masqueraded as financial consultant.
    If an insurance agent who is not qualified in finance but have title like Executive Financial Consultant, isn't he or she a conman or conwoman?
