Monday, October 18, 2010

Temasek Review and Temasek Holdings

Temasek Holdings have written to the founder of Temasek Review to ask him to stop using the name of Temasek.  Read more of this matter in


  1. It's really sad that despite many Singaporeans' pertinent questions and doubts about the PAP's economic policies as well as Temasek Holdings' investment outcomes, our local media chooses to remain in cahoots with the PAP govt. Rather than ask probing questions to serve the interests of our country, they choose to jump on the PAP bandwagon of demonising political opponents instead. I hope that our journalists can reflect on this, and realise their true professional calling for the sake of our country.

  2. If Temesek Review website is Pro PAP, I wonder if this request for name change will happen?

  3. Seems like TR will accede to the request for name change if certain conditions are met. I wonder what's Temesek Holdings reponse to this?
