Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Ask Mr. Tan in www.tankinlian.com

I have now written about 100 articles on insurance, investment and financial planning in the Ask Mr. Tan section of my website, www.tankinlian.com. You can access this section directly from the "Ask Mr. Tan" button on the top of the right frame of my blog. When you are at the website, you can search for an article easily by entering a keyword, such as "health insurance" in the Search tab to get all articles on this topic.

In the past, I post these articles in my blog but they quickly disappear from the top of my blog after a few days.
By putting them in the TKL website, they can be easily retrieved in the future, using the search function.

I am a regular user of this Search function. When someone ask me a question, it is easy for me to retrieve the article or FAQ using this search and give a link as a reply. But I want to encourage my readers to search for the article on their own, rather than give me the additional burden of making the search.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mr Tan,

    blogger has a search function as well. We just need to implement it.
