Wednesday, December 01, 2010

BEST - Business Game

Go to this website:

Watch the video to learn how to play this game.

There will be 7 games every hour. So, you can join the game at any time of the day or night! You can even join a game after it has started.

If you are not sure about playing the game, you can "View" any game and watch how the other players are doing. If you join the game and do not wish to submit any input, the software is intelligent enough to simulate the input for you.

If you are the only real player in the game, you will be competing against 9 other simulated players. You should be able to perform better than them, after you learn the technique. But, at the initial stage, you may perform worse.

Wish you all the best!

1 comment:

  1. Several people have registered to play the game, but most only played the game once.

    It takes some time to learn the skill of marketing and pricing. So you have to play the game many times to learn the skill. You will make mistakes along the way, but they will help you to become better.

    Make the effort. Spend the time. And learn. It is worth learning!
