Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Buy High, Sell Low

Its your money and your responsibility.
Neither the Fed Chief, nor your advisor nor any guru nor blogger nor Jim Cramer.
You are the one who is going to be either going to live in comfortable retirement,
or eating cat food tacos.

My view
Some consumers ask for my advice on whether it is the right time to buy or sell any stock or other investment. This is not a fair question to ask of me. Even if they pay a fee to the adviser, they will not get any good outcome. The investor should do their own homework and take their own punting decision - after all it is their own money.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds us how our Sovereign Fund, Temasek Holdings, bought Barclays bank High and almost immediately sold the bank Low at the last financial chaos.
    The question is who exactly was Temasek's financial advisor, whom the Fund rely on for the doomed
    investment, not forgetting that a Middle East Sovereign Fund also bought Barclays, the difference being the Middle Eastern's made money while our Temasek lost money.
