Tuesday, November 02, 2010

The myths about entrepreneurs



  1. Entrepreneur very likely due to opportunity. But opportunity will only come if you take risk (means capital or money) and ready to work hard.

    On the other end, many hard working and risk taking people never make it ( I would say 80-90%), some failed miserably and incured a lot of debt and ruined their own family.

    Those who manage to survive only survive on the edge, that is they are able to make a living. Only a very small percentage make it big. The media only interview those few people who make it big.

    I myself also an entrepreneur but the income from my small business only enough to feed my family and I am not sure when the competition will force me to close shop.

  2. Being an entrepreneur is not easy in the first place. Basically you need to thave 3 ingredients: passion in a field, willing to make sacrifice and hardwork.

