Wednesday, December 08, 2010

100 mishaps a day on expressways

The Straits Times reported an average of 100 mishaps a day on expressways, up 40% from three years ago. Most caused 20 minutes delay.

My views:
1. It is quite a hassle to drive on our expressways. It is congested most times of the day. Traffic moves slowly.
2. Singapore has the twin disadvantage of high cost (i.e. COE, ERP) and slow traffic.
3. I prefer to travel my MRT but it is quite troublesome to reach a destination that is not served by MRT
4. Our transport system is now quite bad.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Amazing, last early evening appointment at Marina Bay, and found myself having to go thru 3 ERPs gantries, everywhere I turned there was one ahead.

  2. Yes the traffic situation both on the road and on public transport has gone from bad to worse in the last 10 yrs. It coincides with the relentless import of foreign residents and underinvestment in public infrastructure. all the ministers are sleeping on the job!

  3. Dear Mr Tan

    I read your blog almost everyday, without fail. Thanks for bringing awareness and current topics to your readers.

    I used to work and live (therefore drive) in KL for 19 years before coming over to Singapore for the past 16 years. From Day 1 in Singapore I have never owned a car because I find the public transport efficient and affordable. My mode of transport is mainly the MRT, Bus and Taxis. I am afraid I do not agree that the transport system in Singapore is getting bad. At peak times, I agree the trains can get crowded but I can bear with the inconveniences compared to driving in congested traffic.

  4. Our transport system is dominated by the government.
    1) Private car ownership controlled by government via COE.
    2) SMRT, SBS Transit and other transport companies do not really compete with each other.

    There seems to be no true competition in our transport system, hence no incentive to improve the public transport system

    1) Remove COE quota.
    2) Let there be true competition among public transport companies. This will improve their service levels and more people will have no incentive to use private vehicles

    Government will have incentive to improve public transport otherwise there will be traffic jams everywhere due to removal of COE quota

  5. William,

    I understand about the KL jams. Still like that, ah?

    Surely we have to compare what it is like now here with what it was previously like then here (redundancy meant for emphasis) for any meaningful comparison. Traffic conditions have most certainly deteriorated in spite of the ever increasing punishing ERP rates.

    We can't say just because the KL jam is worse in comparison therefore the one here is all right as things are better! It may be better, but it has gotten worse. Comprendi?

  6. Do not own any vehicle in Singapore.

    Unless your earnings are more than 10K a month, otherwise, just accept the fact that it is not affordable.

    Save the 1K every month and after 1 year, you will have 12K.. do you know where you can go with 12K?
    and hire a 3litre car and drive on open roads with beautiful scenary?
    just like in the moview?

    An added value is that you can also choose to die in an accident with a bear, cow, possum.. or even black ice!

    Now.. thats a REAL driving holiday!

  7. How will the public transport handle the likely influx of people giving up on their cars as the price of oil increase tremendously? I fear that our transport system will be overtaxed in such a situation. It is imperative for the government to quickly build more mrt lines or expand the buses coverage and frequencies.

  8. there is also a limit to how much infrastructure investment can be made. SG is only an island, which means must put a stop NOW to the massive influx of foreigners into this island!

  9. Allow people to work at different times.
    Some start at 8:30am to 5:30pm
    some start at 1:30pm to 10:30pm

    Both contributes 8 hrs per day.

    Give employers an incentive.. tax rebates for doing this, or some other
    I am sure it is workable.

    The social climate is ripe for this.
    I see lots of people awake at 1am

  10. Cannot resist to add my usual comments about our "World-class Transportation system" !
    1) only in uniguely Singapore Expressways do driving on the left-most lane most of the time get you around faster !
    2) Our Heavy vehicles & Buses are now YOG-approved to use the 2nd lane. Ever noticed that the Round Disc at the back of these vehicles say " 50 kph" or "60 kph" ? Exception : Malaysian registered Buses, ??
    3) Only lately, were motor cyclist "orientated" on the real Expressways...
    4) What are Yellow Boxes for ? What are Round-about for ? More specifically, how should Road Users use them ?
    5) lastly, who cares about the minimium Parking Lot dimensions or the minimium Turning Radius ?
