Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dispute on interest rate with NTUC Thrift

Dear Mr. Tan,
I was Ntuc thrift member for some years till recently, Thrift sent letter to me to cease all my accounts as they recently did a clean up and flagged that I was no longer a member. As my 2-yr FD matures in 2012, they agreed to pay on the interest rate for the invested period at the interest rate for tenor 9 month. Is this fair? Should they pay at the original interest rate despite reduce tenor? 

They should allow you to continue the 2 year tenure and pay you the agreed rate. If they wish to terminate earlier, they have to discuss with you on what is a fair rate - which should be the same interest rate but pro-rated for a shorter period.
Tan Kin Lian

Who can I get help for Thrift to honour the original FD? MAS? I have already asked Thrift on the following occassions:
1) I spoke with head of operations
2) Appealed to CEO during follow up call
3) Copied my appeal to MCYS 
I sought help from MCYS but as there is no contractual issue so there's nothing they can do. 

If the people in charge don't care, there is nothing much that I can do.Sorry.
Tan Kin Lian

Can I go to MAS?

You can go to MAS or the Prime Minister, but they probably don't care also.
Tan Kin Lian


  1. Singaporeans use to care a lot for others. Slowly, Singaporeans have been degraded to care only for themselves. This is because of the survival instinct triggered by the high cost of living. If the government leaders don’t take the lead to show that they care for the society, I think we should change the leaders by not voting them.

  2. Alex - a typical Singaporean who complains and complains! Nothing is fair in this world! SO WAKE UP!!!! Moreover, they agreed to pay you and not forfeit anything!
