Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Easy to make a death claim under Term Insurance

Hi Mr Tan
I have been following your approach of doing DIY for my term coverage, SAF Term Insurance and shield plan, I find that I have much left over to invest in STI ETF. I am very pleased with this approach indeed.

One thing I would like to find out is the ease of claiming in case of death and illness. For example, if something were to happen to me, will it be very tough for my spouse to handle all the claims? Not forgetting that she will be in much emotional distress at this stage. Based on your experience, have you encountered any person, who is still in the right frame of mind, while in mourning of a loved ones, to go to the insurance company customer service centre to do claim?

Making a death claim should be quite easy for the dependents. Many people handle it daily. There is really no hurry - so it can be done after all the other arrangements have been completed. No need to worry about it.

1 comment:

  1. There is no hurry to make a claim.
    You can do after the bereavement.
    Don't let the insurance salesmen fool or con you that you need them to make a claim.
    Any personal representative can file the claim.Just call the helpline and they will direct you to the right person who will advise the procedure.
    All it takes is a call. Or you can visit the branch.
    Insurance salesmen make it as if it is a big hassle and they are the authorised people to file the claim.If you ever hear this in their sales pitch run as fast as you can.
