Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fidrec decisions

Fidrec was established to be an alternative dispute resolution center. For Fidrec to gain the trust of consumers, it has to be seen as being impartial and fair to consumers. Has Fidrec met up with this expectation? Please share your experience by sending a confidential e-mail to I will not disclose your identity, but I need to gather some feedback to pass to the authority. Please share your experience briefly and state why you felt the process to be fair or not fair.

1 comment:

  1. I have doubt about Fidrec. This was due to some feedback from people who have seeked help from Fidrec. The impression I have is Fidrec is on FIs' side.

    Another thing Fidrec can do for consumer is compiling feedback from consumers during the adjudication session and see whether there is a pattern about the behavior of FIs. If there is, then they should feedback to MAS to reopen case on certain FIs
