Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Opposition participation and the coming election

Read the views by Patrick Lee, an astute political observer:

And the playing field has never been so inviting to the opposition than now. Even the illiterate uncles and aunties in hawker centres and void decks were discussing how difficult life is now with everything becoming more expensive. Even the ordinary folks are saying PAP is hoodwinking them.



  1. I support three politicians for their political views and the sacrifices that they are making for the future of Singapore - to bring a more accountable system and a better economic system for Singapore:

    1. Chee Soon Juan
    2. Kenneth Jeyaretnam
    3. Goh Meng Seng

    I hope that the public will view them in the same light.

  2. REX comments as follows,

    I will close my eyes and without any hesitation vote any of the 3 listed names into parliament.

    Sadly however, Item #1 will never enter parliament because of bankruptcy issue. so if SDP wins, we may see an assigned person from the party. Sadly, within SDP, other than the leader/sister, i do not have high regard for any of its other members. The recent recruitment drives had failed to net people who earn my respect unreservedly.


  3. Used to admire Chiam See Tong, but the recent revelations of internal politicking is a let down.
    Could Lina Chiam hold the fort for
    Potong Pasir? But an opposition is better than no opposition, if ever elected, hope she would be able to fight for the citizens on her own merit.

  4. mr tan wat a coincidence, my first support too to dr chee (sdp) & goh meng seng's party too.

    of cos i will still for the other oppo parties as long as they come contest against the pap

  5. Hi Rex,

    I attended the pre-election rally organised by SDP at Speaker's Corner on two occasions. I heard the speeches by their party's potential candidates for the general election.

    The SDP has several impressive young candidates - capable, dedicated and with strong values. You can watch their speeches in the SDP website.

    I encourage Singaporeans to keep an open mind and find out more of the SDP and other political parties.

  6. rex comments as follows
    hi mr tan,
    i too attended the sdp rally at speaker's corner. I am very happy to see CSJ in parliament. He is a good person, he and his sister, both are good, reliable and low-risk to put them in to put check and balance on Pappie. But csj, he's done a bad job of managing their house.

    I am not really blaming csj for that totally, because the pappies had given such a bad deal on sdp that no really good fellas want to associate with them, so SDP is unable to gear up and have to contend with less than credible, less than formidable elements... I do respect CSJ for not giving up, and yet hoping against hope that the electorate will be willing to try out his motley crowd of 2nd-chance types (some) and one smoker even (president of youth wing).

    You can guess why i am disturbed considerably by one of their key leaders by following the arguments at the end in this link,

    Recently sdp also got a young kid to speak for them. This kid talk about christianity! He dragged religion into politics! There were a lot of adverse comments on him in T.R. you can check out the link too.

    A more mature leader in their circle is no better, he too brought in hints of christiantiy in a year end video. I dislike very much mixing religion with political speeches. Even pappies don't do that.

    So because of the above, even if i like CSJ, i have great difficulty to vote sdp... it;s a predicament... IF SDP wins, the precise person who gets into parliament could be one of those fellas i don't respect. Such person could even change and take over CSJ. People can change. Once you give the wrong person the power, he will use it to his advantage. It happend to PAP blatantly, do i want to risk another mistake and get a person other than Chee Soon Juan on track? you tell me.

